As a non-profit organization, your needs are unique.
You must be in constant communication with your constituency, keep your funding sources happy, and clearly demonstrate your worth and credibility at all times.
Not to mention fundraising–we know it’s a struggle bringing in support for a good cause, no matter how good it is.
You’ve got to stand out, get noticed, and tell your story until your throats are raw.
We can help amplify your voice.
Think it’s about marketing? It’s not. It’s about humans.
It’s about story telling. It’s about making connections and encouraging interactions among people—within your team, across your organization as a whole, and with the donors you need to help you grow.
Together, we must cultivate a loud, creative, energized culture at your organization that is committed to digital marketing as an ongoing, innovative, and controlled experiment that generates results and reveals valuable learnings.
“Getting the word out” isn’t a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing process that you’ll need an entire team to make successful.
This is a big deal. It's high-profile, time-consuming and, to many, it probably feels daunting.
It’s also seriously exciting.

Baystate Health Annual Report
Here’s some ways we can help you
In the time it took you to read this, your site visitor’s made at least a dozen judgements about your organization–from how trustworthy you are to how valid your work is. Your brand is what your audience thinks it is, we make sure they know what to think.
If you want someone’s money, make it easy for them to give it to you.
Often people are inclined to believe that “if people KNOW about us, they’ll give to us.” The unfortunate reality is that there are many organizations out there doing good work and just “being known” isn’t enough to get people to open their wallets. Even the most altruistic, self-less, humanitarian organizations have a difficult time parting people from their money.
Converting “casual site visitors” into “life-long members” is about telling the story of why and how membership at your organization will improve, fulfill, change, or otherwise enhance that visitor’s life. #BeWorthIt
We’ll work with you to get articles published in the most valuable places. You’ve got a compelling story, lets get publications excited to share it.
We’ll focus on getting press releases picked up and articles published at your specific verticals and general release locations as well.
How are people finding you on the internet? What words and phrases are they using? Remember that this is about stepping into your audience’s shoes and looking back at yourself through their eyes, with their experience. We’ll ask you to give us some ideas and we’ll flesh that list out to make sure we’re covering all the bases. #WalkAMile
It’s more than okay to use multiple hashtags. Use hashtags that are:
Specific to your organization
Specific to your post
Globally known AND applicable (to help increase your reach organically)
#FormattedLikeThis (first letter of each word capitalized) so screen readers can read them
20 years ago, just focusing on organic traffic was a valid option for organizations but now, the competition for eyes is so high, you’ll want to think seriously about investing in (at least some) paid advertising (be it on Google, another digital platform, or something more traditional).
We can help you find the right numbers to track (open rate, click-throughs, and sharing, etc.), choose the best ways to test, create new messaging, and tie email to your other campaigns–making sure it all has consistent branding. We can even whip up snazzy new responsive templates for you!
Anyone who’s been to a conference, trade show, or convention can tell you that the swag bags are where it’s at. Our job is to guide you in picking out the items that will make you stand out (and won’t just fill our landfills).